Wednesday 10 June 2015

Week 14_Final

In the previous blog post, I mentioned that our goal for the 123d catch models was to lower it in size and optimise it in a way that it was small in size but still retained a level of detail. Aram has successfully optimised the 123d catch models using 3Ds Max. The result is quite good and obviously the detail of it is not as high definition as the original ones but the size of the file is significantly smaller and this is noticeable when view it in Revtizo. 

We all had a bit of trouble getting all the 123d catch models together with our Sketch Up model in Revitzo, for some reason when I tried merging them together one model would always override the other. Aram has merged all the models in Sketch Up, where we are able to move and scale it. This has made our lives much easier but this also shows that these 123d catch models are compatible with Sketch Up. Below are images of the 123d catch models imported/ merged with our Sketch Up model.

Sketch Up Model:

Images above: Screenshots of the 123d catch models imported in Sketch Up 

Sketch Up model in Revitzo

Below are images of the Sketch Up model with the 123d catch models merged into it imported into Revitzo using the plug in that is already in Sketch Up. The difference between how it looks in Sketch Up and Revitzo may not seem as visible through these images but the Revitzo viewer definitely gives a clearer and crisper model. 

This part of the 123d catch model was the only part that did not look smooth/ connected and it has definitely lost some of its detail after being optimised. Other than that this still gives an idea of the limits that this model can be reduced and optimised. 

Images above: Screenshots of our Sketch Up model imported into Revtizo

As you can see in the above images, after the 123d catch models have been optimised the level of detail is still there, therefore it is achievable to have a smaller sized file that still shows detail and clear texturing. 

Download links to files:

Sketch up file without 123d catch files:

Sketch up files with 123d catch files (combined):

Revitzo file:

User manual: 

For more detail on how we collaborated as a group on this project view our group wiki here

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